Friday, December 4, 2009

Dr.Elchuri's Recipes for COMPLEXION

Recipe No.1:
Tomato : 50 gm
Carrot : 50 gm
Beet root : 10 to 20 gm
Lemon : 1 No.
Candy sugar (Patika bellam ) : 150 gm
Honey : 50 gm
Extract juice of tomato, carrot, beet root and filter the same. Add candy sugar powder to it and prepare ‘paakam’ on SIM flame only. Add honey and lemon to the above and store in a bottle.
1 to 2 spoons with one glass water along with a little fresh lemon juice. If blood is less, use 3 times a day.
The bi-product remaining after juice is extracted can be used for face pack.
Anaemia problem subsides, skin glows and face complexion increases.

Recipe No.2:
Add cream of milk to the bi-product obtained in recipe one and grind it in a mixie. Apply the paste as face pack thickly all over the face and below the eyes.
Expose your face to blue light (table lamp) so that the juice penetrates into the skin of face.
Stains, black spots are eliminated and face will glow after 15 to 20 days daily usage.

Recipe No.3:
Complexion in winters.
Take a clean cotton kerchief and absorb the dew collected on tree leaves. Apply gently on face. Wait half an hour and take bath.
Face will glow brightly.

Recipe No.4:
Meditation for complexion:
Sit in Dhyana mudra and visualize that rays from cool moon light are falling on face while breathing in. Visualise that all stains, black spots on face are removed by the cool and pleasant moonlight while breathing out. Do this 15 to 20 min daily.
Before sleeping daily, visualize that your face is becoming fair and glowing with bright light and becoming attractive. One will reap the benefits without fail.

Recipe No.5:
Chiri senagalu (small chana) : 500 gm
Add little by little chana to kadai on SIM flame and fry by adding 2 drops of cow’s ghee. Make powder after cooling.
Add cow’s milk or ghee and half spoon kasturi/turmeric, make fine paste and apply as a face pack.
Dark circles below eyes and black spots on chin/cheeks will vanish with good change within 4 to 5 days.

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